Jim Nielson, Assemblyman from District 2, visits Lookout Town Hall

Hosted by Big Valley Tea Party

Man (Jim Nielson) speaks with seated citizens.

Jim Nielson speaks to audience

On Friday, June 25, Jim Nielson, Assemblyman from District 2, paid a visit to a Lookout Town Hall meeting hosted by Big Valley Tea Party.  He informed the audience of several pending bills that could impact their lives, including new tax bills such as a "sin" tax on sugary snacks, per mile taxes on how far one drives their cars, and gun control bills, including a ban on carrying an unloaded handgun.  "Our gun rights are being attacked at this very minute," we were informed.  He is supportive of strict tax regulation, charter schools, and gun rights.  He is actively opposing AB32, which will increases taxes on anything that uses fossil fuels to operate or to manufacture.  This requires a very urgent response  if it is to be stopped.   When asked about the pending tax bills, he said "Raising taxes only funds what is broken."    He stated that he is a conservative that supports the values of the the people in our area, and is doing his best to represent us as we would want to be represented.

A crowd of 44 sits at a townhall meet.

A crowd of 44 attended

Jim, as he asked to be addressed, then fielded questions from the audience for an hour.  There was a myriad of questions from how to stop the land grab for National Monuments, to if it would be possible for the state to help Modoc County out of their budget crisis.  He told us what actions we could take to help get the results we wanted on the different issues.   In the end, the crowd of 44 from as far away as Alturas and Redding, seemed pleased with Mr. Nielson's answers, and want to have him back to visit.